Birth time in Human Design is important. We see where the planets were aligned in your subconscious and conscious being by looking at two moments in time, and from this, we see this magical one time event that is you! Not sure of your birth time? There are some ‘woo’ tricks that you can use to rectify this. Read on to find out!
Human Design is a snapshot of 2 moments in time. One about 88 days before your birth (88 degrees of the Sun before your birth), and the other the exact moment of your birth.
Why is birth time important in Human Design?
The red numbers on the left side of your Human Design chart are your Design. These numbers represent the planetary alignment 88 days before your birth, through the gates of your Human Design. This is your subconscious. When you look at these numbers and their messages, they may not resonate as quickly as your Personality (black) numbers will.
The black numbers on the right side of your Human Design chart are your Personality. These numbers represent the planetary alignment at the moment of your birth, through the gates of your Human Design. This is your conscious. When you look at these numbers and their messages, you’ll probably resonate more easily with them.
To get your Human Design bodygraph or chart, you’ll need your birth time and place. It’s a snapshot of 2 moments in time.
88 days before your birth when your soul is called into your being
The moment of your birth
We see where the planets were aligned in your subconscious and conscious being by looking at both of these moments and from this, we see this magical one time event that is you!
What if I don’t know my birth time?
You may be surprised to find out that just by asking around, you can get a better idea of the time of day you were born. In a Human Design Challenge I ran recently, one of the women commented that she remembers her mother saying that she was born in the morning, not at an inconvenient time.
Another remembers her sister saying that she got to come home from school, to meet her new sibling, just before the buses on the day she was born.
Still another remembers hearing that her father had to come in from the barn where he was milking the cows early in the morning to take her mother to the hospital.
There really are all kinds of clues around us, when we listen in.
Other things to check are hospital records and newspaper birth announcements (Yes! We used to do that!).
Birth Time Rectification
There are many people for whom asking around and checking hospital records just isn’t an option. In that case, there are some ‘woo’ tricks that you can use to rectify your birth time.
First, run a Human Design Chart for 4-6 times throughout the day of your birth. For example, you could run a Human Design chart for 1:00am, 6:00am, 10:00am, 1:00pm, 6:00pm, 10:00pm. Once you have all of these charts printed, give yourself time and space where you can sit quietly with them and feel into them. You could hold them over your heart or your Solar Plexus chakra and just be with each chart.
Notice how you feel. Does one stir something inside of you, more than others?
Do some feel ‘off’ somehow to you?
Once you have one or more charts that feel good, you can run a few more Human Design charts for a few hours around that time. Repeat the process until you’ve landed on 2-3 charts that feel good.
There are a few things that you can do to narrow this down and land on the one chart that represents your exact birth time. One is by using a pendulum over the charts that have felt good to you. Another is by just asking the Universe to guide you to the correct chart. Yet another is to ask to connect with your birth mother’s higher self from your highest self and just ask what time.
The thing is, you KNOW what time you were born. Remember this. Your soul knows when it incarnated. It’s not a secret. It’s just that the information is tucked away in your subconscious mind, waiting to be retrieved.
Once you feel like you’ve landed on the exact birth time, you can run your Human Design chart and schedule your very own Human Design reading to uncover all of the potential and possibility that exists for you!
We can use your Human Design blueprint to guide you in relationships, your career, your finances, your purpose, and more.
When you’re ready to unpack all of the gifts in your Human Design, take a look at this:
It's a blueprint of your soul and your personality that is your secret weapon for decision making, relationships, health, finances, and everything else in life!
Discover the hidden health pitfalls in your human design chart. What style of eating is best for you? Why do you have trouble sleeping? Thyroid issues? It's in your chart!
'Think and Grow Rich' is a staple in the self help industry. Almost 100 years later, the 17 Success Principles still hold true. Join me on a journey through these principles with the insight of Human Design.
In this free guide, I tell the story of someone with your Human Design type so that you can begin to see how your energy is designed to flow in your life and business.