In your Human Design chart, value and worth live in Will Center. This is where your sense of value, worth and the need to prove yourself lies. An undefined Will Center will always have you questioning your value and worth. This will show up over and over again until you learn how to decondition it. This is the power of Human Design, and understanding your chart.
First things first. If we’re going to unpack where value and worth can be found in the Human Design chart, we’d better first go over What is Human Design? Human design is a blend of the Hindu Chakra System, The Jewish Kabbalah, Astrology, and the Chinese i-Ching.
What is Human Design?
When you look at your own Human Design Chart, you may notice that it resembles diagrams you’ve seen of the chakras in the human body. The difference between the Chakra System and Human Design is based on the 1781 Human Design Mutation, where we went from being 7 centred beings to 9 centred beings.
When you look at the Human Design Mandala, you’ll notice that it resembles the i-ching. The 64 gates in Human Design originate from the i-ching and follow each verse’s meaning.
When you turn a Human Design Chart upside down, you’ll find that it resembles the Tree of Life as seen in the Jewish Kabbalah.
Finally, the planets you’ll see along both sides of your chart are an aspect of Astrology. It’s interesting to follow how planetary transits affect your Human Design Chart, once you get the hang of the basics.
How to find your Human Design chart
Human Design is a snapshot of 2 moments in time. One about 88 days before your birth (88 degrees of the Sun before your birth), and the other the exact moment of your birth.
Human Design Head Center: questions and inspiration live in the Head Center.
Human Design Ajna Center: decisions, certainty and belief live in the Ajna Center.
Human Design Throat Center: manifestation, action, and expression live in the Throat Center.
Human Design G or Identity Center: direction, loveability, and geographical sensitivity live in the G center.
Human Design Will/Ego Center: sense of value, worth, and the need to prove yourself lives in the will center.
Human Design Emotional Solar Plexus Center: this is the center for emotional awareness in the Human Design chart.
Human Design Sacral Center: where life force and work force energy live.
Human Design Spleen Center: the awareness center for intuition and fear in the Human Design chart. It also pertains to the immune system.
Human Design Root Center: the center for adrenaline in the Human Design chart. It is a pressure center.
So let’s talk about where value and worth live in the Human Design chart
Yesterday, I had a sales call with someone I’m considering hiring for some work in my online business.
Within moments, I could feel the places in her Human Design where she undervalues herself.
I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that her will center is undefined in her Human Design chart.
I knew that she was not confident in the value of her offerings, the moment she opened her mouth.
Even though we were on Zoom, I could feel it as deeply as if she’d been sitting beside me in the room.
“Like me! Hire me! Buy my thing!”
Of course she didn’t say any of this, but this was her energetic signature in our call.
To be clear, she is a lovely human. This has nothing to do with her as a person. I so enjoyed chatting with her and unpacking how her magic would fit into my business. She has simply been conditioned, over the course of a lifetime, to question her value and her worth. Her tendency is to drop her prices to prove that she’s worthy.
It’s an underlying current that is there for her, through no fault of her own.
The undefined will center is ALWAYS trying to prove itself. It will ALWAYS have you questioning your value and worth.
Trust me, this is a dance that I know well.
So well, in fact, that it wasn’t until 6 weeks in with my own Human Design coach that we discovered the ‘secret’ to why I have pushed myself so hard to succeed not once but twice in the Direct Sales industry. Though I loathe saying it aloud, it’s the push to prove myself that drives me. It’s not the recognition, it’s not even the money. It’s getting to say to the world (and especially my husband) “See? I did it. They said it was next to impossible but I did it!”
Just telling you that tale feels kind of yucky, but at the same time, it’s an area of my life that I’ve been doing a lot of work on. Yes, it’s still there. The difference for me now though is that I catch myself quickly and bring myself back from that drive to prove myself. And let me tell you that’s a strong drive. For me, it shows up as this sly sense of competition – the need to win and to be the best at all costs. Of course, I do this so quietly, you can barely even notice that it’s a thing.
The Human Design Undefined Will Center is the gift that keeps on giving.
Here’s how the Undefined Will Center shows up in real life;
underpricing your goods and services
not knowing your worth
lack of confidence in what you have to offer
always trying to prove yourself (to you and/or to others)
discounting your services – even without being asked to
agreeing to work for less than you should
having to be the best at something and be recognized for it
That’s just for starters.
This undefined will thing is a BIG FAT HAIRY DEAL and it will show up for you over and over and over again in your life in different ways.
That is, until you become aware of it. Notice where it’s showing up and start to decondition it.
This is the beauty in understanding your Human Design chart. It’s starting to grasp how all of these things play together and get in the way of you showing up and owning your brilliance.
It's a blueprint of your soul and your personality that is your secret weapon for decision making, relationships, health, finances, and everything else in life!
Discover the hidden health pitfalls in your human design chart. What style of eating is best for you? Why do you have trouble sleeping? Thyroid issues? It's in your chart!
'Think and Grow Rich' is a staple in the self help industry. Almost 100 years later, the 17 Success Principles still hold true. Join me on a journey through these principles with the insight of Human Design.
In this free guide, I tell the story of someone with your Human Design type so that you can begin to see how your energy is designed to flow in your life and business.