Have you ever lost your voice? Done something just to get it done? Been so lost in “stuff” that you can’t even hear your own voice anymore?
Listened to the opinions of others a little more than you should have?
I have and it isn’t pretty. It wastes time and energy and resources and is life-draining, but every once in a while, I think it’s necessary to go through a downtime. To lose yourself for a bit so that you can find a stronger self on the other side? I hope so.

This year has been something else. I have made some decisions that did not serve me- BUT… I have a friend. I’ll call her Glenda. Glenda is who I want to be when I grow up. If she gets lost or runs late, she simply says “This is where I need to be at this moment. There’s a reason I’m here.” She relaxes into her path, knowing that she’s where she’s meant to be.
I’m not there yet, but I’m trying.
Glenda would tell me that this last year was “tuition” If that is the case, I should have a Ph.D. by now π When I last visited Glenda, we were in a little boutique and saw bracelets. She was drawn to one that said “Everything happens for a Reason” (the slogan she lives by.) Mine sat right beside hers and said this: “What’s for you will not pass you.” I wear that bracelet every day to remind me that I don’t need to struggle to make things happen. What’s for me will be mine. My job is to remain open and accepting and to heed my own voice.
If you’re following my journey, I want you to know that I’ve found my path- My calling.
So, watch for new information on the website and a launch that’s truly “Vickie!”
It feels good to be me again.