I had the strangest thing happen this morning. Sadly, it’s not all that uncommon. It happens more often than you’d think. Someone reached out to me on Facebook. I don’t know her from Adam. She (obviously) doesn’t know me. She did, however, get me thinking.
Here’s what went down.
I open her LONG message all about how she sells candles and what’s special about them and how I should replace everything in my home with said products. After about 2 paragraphs, she goes on to tell me how the business side of her company works and how I should be selling said candles and making money with them. This, I’m afraid, is a big reason why MLM or Network Marketing, or whatever you want to call it, gets a bad rap.
Network marketing is just that.
Networking. Building relationships. LISTENING to people. Meeting them where they’re at and filling a NEED. It’s not about messaging some random person, who you know nothing about, and badgering them with more info than they can handle over their morning coffee! Yes, there is a time and a place to approach new contacts. However, we should be listening more than we’re talking and for goodness sakes KNOW who you’re speaking to! If this woman had taken 2 minutes to check my profile, or google me, she would have known what I stand for and against. She may have realized that the last thing that I will light, in my home, is a scented candle.
When I answered, thanking her politely and explaining that I only use essential oils in our home her reply was “We sell those too! ” UGH. 
While I do represent an MLM company, my goal is to attract people who share the same goals as I do.
Things like supporting our wellness, being proactive in our health care, etc. I choose to do this through education so that my tribe is empowered to use what they learn to better their health. My mission is simply this: To offer a holistic approach to health care, using whole foods and natural medicines to bring the body into balance.
If that resonates with you, fantastic. If not, that’s ok too! We’ll both get where we’re going without either of us badgering the other and you will feel heard when you
speak with me. That’s a promise.