Don’t you just love January?
It’s so full of possibilities! I know, we should be living in possibility every single day but sometimes we forget, you know? January seems the perfect opportunity to take a deep breath and think of all that we can do within the time frame of a year.
I’m loving this trend of choosing a word for the year.
Have you done that? This year, my word is “tribe.” I am in a different place in 2016, than I’ve ever been before. The past few years have been real transition years for me. Our 2 youngest children left home for college and university, we experienced death in the family, peri-menopause hit in a big way, I went back to school and my husband and I both changed careers. Everything is different now and that’s a good thing. It takes a while to grow into it though, don’t you find? Your kids leave home and you have to re-negotiate who you are without them. … and then they move back, but that’s another story!

Anyway, back to “tribe”.
It’s become so apparent to me that one needs a tribe. A community of folks (women mostly for me) who support and uplift them and who they do the same for. When our children were in high school, and I was running the store, I didn’t have time for a tribe. I was so busy RUNNING. That’s all changed now and for that, I’m grateful. I loved those days, I mean I TRULY loved those days but now that they’re over, I’m ok here too.
Starting in January, I’m going to spend my time developing friendships and having fun. Doing things that empower not only me but the women in my circle.
I have a new business to launch, and am heavily booked with speaking engagements throughout the year. My travel calendar is filling up. Life is good. Oh! and dance. I’m going to learn to dance. I have ALWAYS wanted to dance and this is my year for it. For over 10 years, I’ve been waiting for Pete to join me but you know, I just don’t think he’s interested! It’s so important not to wait on others to do what we’re dying to do. Just do it already. Someone commented on my Facebook post about dance lessons that they “had been” on her bucket list when she was younger but she never did it. There’s a lesson in that girls. We don’t know how long we’re here. We might as well dance.