I recently read a book that changed me. Truly. If you are making any changes in your life (your health for instance), I would highly recommend “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson.
I’ll give you a little review so that you can decide. In the context of using his principles to better your health, he talks about doing little things that are easy to do, but just as easy not to do. Is it easy to go for a 30 minute walk after dinner? Of course it is, but it’s just as easy not to. Is it easy to start your day with a glass of lemon water? Absolutely! It’s also easy not to! How about ordering a salad in a restaurant? Right – easy to do and easy not to do.
Think about it for a second.
If we knew that ordering (and eating) that drive thru cheeseburger would give us a heart attack on the spot, we wouldn’t dream of eating it, but because the effects are cumulative, adding up over a number of years, we forget that the small decisions that we are making are having an impact. In effect, they are our lives. Small decisions, made over and over again add up to a lifetime. Time can be your friend if you’re making the right decisions for your health.
The myth of our society is to believe in that one big break. That one big thing that will change everything. Guess what? There is no big thing. By the time people start noticing the changes in you (you’ve lost 25 lbs, your skin is glowing, etc) the hardest part is over. You’ve been doing small things that no one noticed that put you on the path to success.
This is my philosophy about nutrition in a nutshell.
Nutrition is slow. It’s small changes over time that become habits. These habits create your life. It’s not bells and whistles and fancy diets and potions. It’s subtle. The kind of stuff that nobody notices. But you will.
You don’t have to do extraordinary things, You just have to do something. You have to do it over and over again – keep making the choices that will get you closer to your goal. If you want to become better in any area of your life, in fact, if you want to become TWICE as good as you are today, you would ONLY have to improve today by 3/10 of 1%. Insignificant! Yet if you did that every day, for a year, you would see a 100% improvement! That’s CRAZY.
So strap on your runners, grab your bicycle, do some yoga, eat some veggies, drink some water, and do all of those little things that are easy to do and they will make a difference. I promise.
You don’t have to be 100% all of the time.
Look for good – better – and best and try to move farther along the scale as you go along.
Ask yourself; If I keep doing what I’m doing now… how healthy will I be in a year? What about 5 years? 10? If you don’t like the answer, you know what you have to do.

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