I was speaking with someone yesterday who’s husband has been put on medication for chronic inflammation. Now, I’m a student, and as such, not qualified to offer opinions on medications. I can, however, suggest a diet that will support healing by including anti-inflammatory foods.
There are many diseases of chronic inflammation such as arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, nephritis, pancreatitis, etc. Plus, if left too long, it can lead to or aggravate diseases such as cancer and Alzheimers.
However, there is a place for inflammation in our bodies. Acute inflammation is an entirely different matter of the body trying to heal itself. What I’m talking about here is inflammation that is chronic.
There are many things that you can do to decrease inflammation in the body nutritionally.
- Eat foods high in flavonoids ie: blueberries, spinach, strawberries
- Add beets to your diet
- Include fresh garlic – the active ingredient allicin is a free radical fighter

Increase the antioxidant rich berries in your diet
- Include Quercetin (found in onions) in your diet
- Consume 1/2 of fresh pineapple or papaya daily – not canned – fresh. Papaya contains papain and pineapple contains bromelain, both enzymes reduce swelling and inflammation
- Eat cold-water fish twice weekly to increase your intake of Essential Fatty Acids – consider supplementing with EFA’s as well
- Avoid packaged foods and anything containing omega 6’s
- Avoid sugar
- If you’re considering adding supplements to your regime, here are some suggestions: Omega 3’s, B vitamins (active is best), B12, Vitamin C, and Zinc