Have you ever wondered how to get better sleep as a Manifesting Generator? You are designed to move quickly. Your defined sacral centre gives you sustainable life and work force energy that needs to be used up every single day through physical activity in order to sleep well. If you are a Mani Gen and are experiencing issues with sleep, hyperactivity, scattered thinking, restlessness, and/or disruption of your endocrine system (think thyroid issues), you might need more activity throughout your day!
Yesterday, Em sent me this picture of Sawyer.
She had played herself out until she dropped on the couch.
What Is A Manifesting Generator?
Sawyer is a Manifesting Generator in Human Design. Manifesting Generators have more energy than the energizer bunny. They just keep going and going and going and going and going. Often, they leave people around them shaking their heads, wondering how they do it all!
If you’re a Manifesting Generator, you may have heard things like this over the course of your life; ➡️ Why can’t you just stick to one thing? ➡️ Just settle down.
➡️ Relax. It will get done when it gets done! ➡️ Really? You’re starting something else? ➡️ You’re like the Tasmanian devil when you go through here!
You’ve been conditioned to believe that the thing that makes you magical and special, is wrong. You are designed to move quickly. You are designed to do all of the things. You are not designed to rest for long periods of time.
Get better sleep as a Manifesting Generator – Here’s how:
If you are a Manifesting Generator (or a Generator) you have a defined sacral centre. The sacral centre is a motor and it is the most powerful energy in the Human Design bodygraph. It gives you sustainable life force and work force energy. This is how you can do all of the things all of the time!
As far as sleep goes, you need to use this energy up every single day. The only way to do this is through physical activity. #sorrynotsorry
Inevitably, when I meet a Manifesting Generator and they are not sleeping well, they are not moving their body enough. Period. Often, they don’t love it when I tell them this because somehow, we’ve become a society that thinks exercise is optional. It’s not.
Get more exercise for better sleep as a Manifesting Generator:
No matter what type you are, you’re going to need some type of physical activity. Good news if you’re a Projector, Manifestor or Reflector; you don’t need as much activity and/or you need more gentle activity than Generator types.
Your sacral energy needs to be used up daily through physical activity if you are a Generator type.
When you don’t use up your sacral energy, you’ll experience issues with sleep, hyperactivity, scattered thinking, restlessness, disruption of your endocrine system (think thyroid issues) and you may become extremely talkative as a way to move energy through your throat. Your body is trying to help you move this energy so that it doesn’t ricochet around, wreaking havoc within you.
Isn’t it fascinating how the body will always try to bring us back into balance?
End with a summary of the post here. Followed by FAQ’s and linked posts.
How much activity is enough activity?
That depends. Because we are all biochemically individual, your body will dictate what is enough each and every day. A good rule of thumb for adults is at least 10,000 steps (possibly more for a healthy Manifesting Generator). You’ll know you’ve hit your perfect balance when you can fall into bed, completely worn out, and fall asleep immediately.
How will I know if my Manifesting Generator child isn’t getting enough activity?
There are several clues for Generator types who are not active enough to use their sacral energy each day. The very first thing that I notice in clients is when they have a defined throat centre, (as all Manifesting Generators do), and yet they need to talk and talk and talk and talk. This could mean that their body is trying to move energy any way it can. Another clue is the ADD/ADHD type behaviour. While Mani-Gens are always on the go and busy, it does not mean that they have a frenetic or scattered energy. In fact, at it’s best, it can be quite focused on the task at hand (or 6 of them)!
My partner is a Projector and needs to lie in bed and read or watch a movie before falling asleep. I can’t fall asleep with the TV on. It gives me my second wind! HELP!!
Ah. What a great question!! Projectors, and any type with an undefined sacral centre (Manifestors and Reflectors) really should sleep on their own. They need to be in their own aura to dump the sacral conditioning that’s been layered on them throughout the day. If there is a way that you can arrange to sleep in separate rooms, this would be ideal so that you can both get the complete rest that you deserve.
It's a blueprint of your soul and your personality that is your secret weapon for decision making, relationships, health, finances, and everything else in life!
Discover the hidden health pitfalls in your human design chart. What style of eating is best for you? Why do you have trouble sleeping? Thyroid issues? It's in your chart!
'Think and Grow Rich' is a staple in the self help industry. Almost 100 years later, the 17 Success Principles still hold true. Join me on a journey through these principles with the insight of Human Design.
In this free guide, I tell the story of someone with your Human Design type so that you can begin to see how your energy is designed to flow in your life and business.