I had the experience, on my most recent trip, to be exposed to a lot of chemical smells and I was surprised to discover how much they bothered me.
These are the same scents that I used to use. I was a Bounce, Febreze, Tide girl to the bone.
Smelly couch? Spray some Febreeze.
Smelly house? Line your vents with Bounce sheets. (you have no idea how it embarrasses me to say that I did that!)
Doing laundry? Use the strongest scent you can buy.
I even had a battery operated air freshener in my home that I had someone come and change the scent for every 3 weeks. My God, it’s a wonder my children survived their upbringing!!
How many times have I said to myself “If I knew then what I know now?” GAH!
People are becoming more and more sensitive to chemical smells. When we reach our toxic overload point, there’s no way for our systems to handle the excess and we see things like sensitivities, allergies, and asthma. Take a look around your home and notice all of the places you’re using scented and chemical products and check out what options are available for a switch. Often, natural, chemical free products are more concentrated so that you can use less. We’ve gotten so accustomed to a big scoop of laundry soap, or a huge squirt of a cleaner and then when we switch, we’re often surprised at how a little goes a long way.
While chemicals are hard on the respiratory system, they’re also extremely disruptive to our endocrine/hormone systems and put extra strain on the liver. We see many skin conditions related to chemical products and we haven’t even touched the surface of the impact that they have on the environment. Yes, it takes a bit of time to switch over. And Yes, you’ll have to find the products that work for you, but you’ll see benefits in doing so. You may even save money by switching to more natural options.
Your essential oils can double as cleaners with a few simple ingredients you have in your home. If you’re a DIY lover, you can even make laundry and hand soaps. It’s super easy and super cost effective. Are you ready to make the switch? Let’s chat.