Human Design Reflectors are mirrors of the health of their particular community. They do not have any centres or channels defined in their Human Design charts. Reflectors are the only Lunar beings in Human Design which means they follow the cycle of the moon in order to make decisions that are aligned for them. They do not have a Human Design Inner Authority.
What Makes Human Design Reflectors so Different?
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Human Design offers us a unique roadmap to understanding ourselves. It’s not just about knowing your type but about diving deep into the nuances of your chart. For Reflectors, who make up just 1% of the population, this journey is especially profound. Reflectors have all centres undefined, meaning they reflect the energy of their environment and the people around them. This can be both a gift and a challenge.
Each Human Design Type has it’s own aura. The Reflector aura is said to be like teflon in that they don’t take on conditioning in the same way other types do. Why? Because they’re uniquely designed to sample the aura of others without taking it on so that they can mirror what they’re seeing and feeling.
Living your design, whatever your design, means honouring all of the unique aspects of yourself. For Reflectors, it’s about understanding how to navigate the world with such openness and how to protect their energy. It’s not about trying to fit into a mold but about embracing the fluidity of their design. This is true for all types. Each of us has unique characteristics that, when honoured, allow us to thrive.
Understanding Undefined Centers
Having open or undefined centres can feel like a rollercoaster. It’s about navigating life with a sense of fluidity and adaptability. For instance, an undefined emotional centre can mean feeling the emotions of those around you deeply. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed if not managed well. The key is awareness and intentionality. In our openness, we have the tendency to amplify the energies of others. It’s helpful to continually ask “Is this mine?” If it isn’t do some work around letting as much of it go as you can.
Engaging in grounding practices is key for Reflectors and really every Human Design type. Whether it’s yoga, meditation, or spending time in nature, grounding helps to centre your energy. For those with undefined centres, this is crucial. It’s about finding balance amidst the constant flux of external energies. I can only imagine how challenging this must be for Reflectors.
The Human Design Reflector Aura
The Reflector aura is uniquely designed to sample the energy of others in their space. It’s like they’re trying on the energies around them in order to evaluate what’s happening. I’ve spoken with quite a few Reflectors who have struggled with this and quickly become drained before understanding that it’s actually something they can control.
They’re meant to sample the energy and then hand it back. I always think of that example that goes around in coaching circles where someone does or says something that’s hurtful and you simply say “no thank you” and give it back to them. That’s what the Reflector aura can do.
Until you understand this though, the temptation is to take it all in and take it all on as yours.
It’s not yours.
Your job is to evaluate, to reflect, to mirror.
And move on.
The Importance of Lived Experience in Human Design
Human Design isn’t just a theoretical framework; it’s about lived experience. Reading about your design in a book is one thing, but living it is where the magic happens. Your unique experiences shape how you interpret and apply your design. It’s about experimenting, making mistakes, and learning from them.
What is Lunar Authority in Human Design?
In this episode, Casey Marriott shares her lived experience as a Reflector. In most Human Design circles, Reflectors are advised to follow the Lunar cycle (the cycle of the moon) This is because, as a Lunar being, as the moon moves through it’s 28 (ish) day cycle, it will highlight all of the gates in your design at one point or another, therefore consistently defining them so that you can access the energy there.
Reflectors really are different every day.
Casey shared that she purposely doesn’t track the moon cycles because she doesn’t want to be influenced by what she ‘should’ be feeling each day.
While that makes sense, I’ve met with more Reflectors who find the cycle to be helpful, at least when they’re starting out on their Human Design journey.
If you’re a Reflector, and you’d like to experiment with tracking the Lunar cycle, there are lots of free versions of the ephemeris online that you can start with.
Casey Marriott and The Self Wellness Project
Focusing on self-wellness is about more than just physical health. It’s about holistic well-being, encompassing mental, emotional, and spiritual health. When you prioritize self-wellness, you’re better equipped to handle life’s challenges. This means understanding your design, recognizing your strengths, and addressing areas of dysfunction, no matter what your Human Design is!
A significant part of self-wellness is embracing your individual path. Society often pushes us towards homogenization, but Human Design encourages differentiation. It’s about finding what works for you and sticking to it, even if it goes against the grain.
Practical Steps for Embracing Your Design
Learn Your Chart: Start with understanding the basics of your Human Design chart. Identify your type, authority, and profile. These are foundational elements that guide your journey.
Ground Yourself: Incorporate grounding practices into your daily routine. This helps manage the flux of energies, especially for those with undefined centers.
Trust Yourself: Cultivate radical self-trust. Listen to your inner wisdom and honor it, even when it feels challenging.
Prioritize Self-Wellness:Focus on holistic well-being. Address physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Embrace practices that enhance your overall wellness.
In this episode we also ended up chatting quite a bit about Emotional Authority in Human Design and Human Design Variables!
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