In this episode I am joined by Bernie Borges, a decade-long podcaster and the host of Midlife Fulfilled Podcast. Can you be fulfilled at midlife? What is fulfillment? How to be fulfilled in health, relationships, career, and impact.
In This Episode, You Will Hear:
How this Projector has had his own agency, worked in corporate and hosted multiple podcasts.
Having the courage to do the “unthinkable” and pivot when his soul called him to.
How Bernie came to talking about midlife – and WHY fulfillment at midlife?
The difference between happiness and fulfillment.
Why Bernie recommends looking at your life through 5 key pillars – and what the 5 pillars are.
When exactly is midlife? And where that falls in the 3 phases of life.
Deep prompt: How do you go from being miserable in your life to 80% fulfilled?
How Bernie’s unique Human Design has complimented his life’s path – thus far.
Midlife does not have to be a crisis. Far from it. Bernie Borges introduces us to the 5 key pillars for achieving – and sustaining – fulfillment all throughout midlife.
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In the Next Episode:
Join me, your host, Vickie Dickson, as I sit (virtually) with Kathy Gleason, host of the As I Live & Grieve podcast. If you’re not yet in Kathy’s world, you want to be. We will be chatting about Human Design and Relationships and the depth that encompasses.
It's a blueprint of your soul and your personality that is your secret weapon for decision making, relationships, health, finances, and everything else in life!
Discover the hidden health pitfalls in your human design chart. What style of eating is best for you? Why do you have trouble sleeping? Thyroid issues? It's in your chart!
'Think and Grow Rich' is a staple in the self help industry. Almost 100 years later, the 17 Success Principles still hold true. Join me on a journey through these principles with the insight of Human Design.
In this free guide, I tell the story of someone with your Human Design type so that you can begin to see how your energy is designed to flow in your life and business.