Have you been pushing through with the power of your defined Will in order to try to make headway in your business? You, dear Projector, are designed for cycles of rest, so that you can be inviting and draw the right people and opportunities to you. When you are rested, your aura is inviting. You magnetize invitations to you. It gets to be that easy.
I have a Projector client who has been receiving invitations to work left, right and centre.
A few months ago, it wasn’t like this.
She had taken on a ‘real job’ in order to pay the bills as she felt like she wasn’t making any headway in her business.
She kept pushing through with the power of her defined will centre, hoping to magically make the math work so that she could quit said job.
It never did.
It never could.
Human Design Projector – Defined Will
She was exhausted, worn out, bitter and resentful.
Oh but she was still wearing her smile to work! She was still shuffling her boys to hockey practice and smiling at the other moms, making chit-chat. Honestly, she didn’t even understand that she was tired because she’d lived some version of this pattern for her entire life.
Always doing the things she ‘should’ do. Being the perfect, oldest child. Carrying the load. Doing whatever it takes.
Once we started working together, we started to see all of the ways that she used this Will Centre energy to push through when her undefined Sacral said “no more”.
That’s the beauty, and the danger, of the defined Will. Yes, you can push through just about anything with a defined Will. However, the Will Centre is designed to have cycles of rest. It pushes and it rests. It pushes and it rests. It pushes and it rests.
You’ll not know burnout until you’ve burned through the Sacral and the Will Centre. Even my Manifesting Generator clients with defined Wills have had to learn to rest. The Will Centre is designed to rest.
Wait For the Invitation
Ok so back to my Projector client. She messaged me this week, excited, and honestly a bit apprehensive, that all of these invitations were coming in. She had received an invitation to collaborate with a small team, and three personal invitations for custom work.
Excitedly, I exclaimed; “That’s because you’re rested! Now you’re ready for invitations again!!” 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 “So…. what’s the plan? How will you decide which, if any, of these invitations fit?”
Even though we were talking in Voxer, I could see her face as she realized she’d not entertained the thought that she had a choice, that she could actually say no.
Isn’t that interesting?
Human Design Projector – Rest is Key
Dear Projector,
You are in the driver’s seat of your life. When you are rested, your aura is inviting. You magnetize invitations to you. YOU get to DECIDE what invitations are right for you. You get to leave the rest.
▶️ Refer them out. ▶️ Sell them a less hands-on package. ▶️ Put them on a wait list. ▶️ Do whatever feels expansive and spacious to you.
Whatever you do, do not let yourself accept the wrong, or too many, invitations, lest it tire you out and you become bitter and resentful again.
It’s a fine line to understand what works for you, and to give yourself permission to unapologetically pursue only those invitations.
You don’t have to do it all. You’re not meant to do it all.
You, dear Projector, are designed for cycles of rest so that you can be inviting and draw the right people and opportunities to you. When you’re not rested, your aura projects a bitterness or resentment so that the invitations do not come, forcing you to rest.
Isn’t it cool how that works?
This particular Projector had no idea that this is actually by design. She had always thought it a random process. This bitterness vs absorbing aura is the key to understanding yourself, as a Projector. Follow your inner guidance. It will never steer you wrong.
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