Understanding and leaning in to your Human Design authority allows you to make confident decisions with ease. There are 7 types of authority that lie within the Human Design bodygraph chart. Having this information in your back pocket can save you from a world of pain!
Each Human Design Type has one or more possible ‘authorities’ or systems for making decisions. When we lean into our authority, decision making becomes much easier and we have greater confidence in our decisions.
That said, it’s not always easy to lean into this. Even seasoned Human Design ‘experimenters’ will, from time to time, neglect to follow this authority which often ends up in a world of pain.
If this is your Human Design Authority,your decision making is emotional. This means that you need to ride your emotional wave on all large decisions. If your solar plexus is defined in your Human Design bodygraph, your authority is emotional. This is the case for just over 50% of the population. You will experience highs and lows, emotionally, as a regular part of your life. Your authority shows you to ride out those waves before coming to a decision about anything major. If at any point in your wave, the decision feels like a no, it MUST be a NO. NOTE: it’s normal for you to never feel certain of anything, especially if you also have an undefined Ajna. The rule of thumb is that if you’re emotionally defined, about 70% certainty is the most you can hope for.
Human Design Sacral Authority
If this is your Human Design authority, when asked a question or faced with a decision, you will get an immediate HIT or sacral response. An uh-uh or an un-huh that will tell you if it is a yes or no for you.
This will over-rule everything for you. It’s your response in the moment, and it’s always correct. It is your compass when you are tuned in. What comes out of your mouth first is your YES.
Have people ask you yes or no questions, and ask yourself yes or no questions to tone your sacral response.
Your sacral response is your biggest influence, but you still need to wait to respond, which can be frustrating!
Human Design Splenic Authority
If this is your Human Design authority,your answer to something in the moment is correct. Your spleen will give you the intuitive hit that you can trust. This splenic pulse will tell you for decisions big and small. Listen to it. Once it speaks, you won’t hear it again so learn to pay close attention to this instinct. Play with this and learn how your spleen speaks. Is it a smell? A sound? A feeling? Whatever it is, you can trust it.
Human Design Ego Authority
Only Manifestors, and on rare occasions Projectors, can have ego authority. If this is your authority, the will or ego centre will be connected, through a channel, to the throat centre, in your Human Design Chart. With ego authority, there’s no waiting involved, provided that the right resources are in place and that you are well rested for the task at hand. As long as this is true for you, the decision is correct.
NOTE – If you are a Projector with Ego Authority, you will have channel 25-51 defined from your G centre to your Will or Ego centre.
Human Design Mental Projected Authority
If this is your authority, you have a channel from the throat centre to the Ajna or from the Ajna centre to the head centre, and your solar plexus and spleen are undefined. In fact, if you are a Mental Projected Projector, all of your centres below the throat will be undefined. You need a sounding board so that you can talk through your process to hear yourself come up with the answer. A container to unpack your decisions so that you have complete clarity around them. Only Projectors can have Mental Projected authority.
Self Projected Authority
If this is your authority, you have a channel from the G centre to the Throat centre and your Spleen and Solar Plexus Centres are undefined. You need a sounding board to process your decisions. You need to speak in a completely authentic way, never filtering what you’re saying to suit your audience. You’ll hear yourself speak from your heart and know that this is the correct decision for you. Only Projectors can have Self Projected authority.
Lunar Authority
If this is your authority, it means that you need to wait out the entire cycle of the moon, or 28 days, to gain clarity before making any big decisions. Reflectors will also need a sounding board to process their thoughts. Only Reflectors can have Lunar authority.
This is just a brief introduction to Human Design Authority. There are so many intricacies in each and every chart that it would be impossible for any one post (or any one book for that matter) to cover it all.
How do I know what my Human Design Authority is?
You’ll find your Human Design Authority listed on your Human Design chart. If you don’t have your chart, you can head on over here to print it and get some solid info to help you to interpret it.
How do I use my Human Design Authority to help me make decisions?
This can be a lifelong journey of unlearning. So many of us are conditioned to make decisions in a way that doesn’t honour our Inner Authority. Think about this for a minute. You have a Sacral Authority yet every time you are faced with a decision, you’re told to ‘sleep on it for a few days first.’ That’s conditioning you NOT to trust your own Inner Authority. Or maybe you have an Emotional Authority and you’re continually told to ‘just go with your gut’ and stop taking so long to decide!!
Where do I make decisions from now?
If you’re not leaning fully into your decision making super power, AKA your Inner Authority, you’re probably making all of your decisions from your head. This is another way that we are conditioned. We think about our decisions. We roll them over in our minds. The mind is no place to make a decide anything! Especially if your head and/or ajna is undefined in your design, you are not here to use it for anything concrete!
It's a blueprint of your soul and your personality that is your secret weapon for decision making, relationships, health, finances, and everything else in life!
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