Human Design Profiles; Human Design for Business; The path of least resistance; Scale to 6 figures and beyond without burnout;
Your Human Design Profile is the role you play in the movie of your life. Understanding how to leverage your Human Design Profile in your business, as an entrepreneur, is key to scaling to 6 figures and beyond without burning out.
What is Your Human Design Profile?
Profile Themes or Archetypes in Human Design
Your Unique Human Design Profile
Your Human Design Profile is the role that you play in the movie of your life. It’s one of the biggest pieces of your Human Design blueprint and the thing that is most overlooked, in my opinion.
Your profile will be a set of two numbers that is a combination of the lines following the planets of your conscious sun and earth and your unconscious sun and earth.
In the chart above we see the conscious sun is in gate 19 and the earth is in gate 33. Both are
followed by the line 5 so this is the first profile line we’ll see in this chart.
The unconscious sun is in the gate 1 and the earth is in gate 2. Both are followed by the line 1
so this is the second profile line we’ll see in this chart.
Therefore, this person is a 5/1 profile.
Look at your own chart or the chart summary and find your profile.
If you think of your life as a movie, your profile is the character you play.
These lines create a differentiation in the way that people with the same type will show up in the
world. It makes your chart so much more individualized as each line has a theme.
The first three lines (Lines 1-3) are intrapersonal roles. They are mostly focused on the self.
The second three lines (Lines 4-6) are interpersonal roles. They are mostly focused outside of
Motto: The more I know, the less I have to fear!
Line 1 profiles need to research and investigate. They need to go down every rabbit hole in
order to understand the foundation and/or the way things work so that they feel safe and secure.
A feeling of inferiority is the worst thing for a first line profile. They need to know that they know
that they know!
Motto: I am ready for the unknowable, whatever that may be.
Line 2 profiles have a natural and innate talent for what it is that they do. If you ask them, they
have no idea how it is that they do what they do. It comes so naturally that they often don’t see
it as a gift, even though those around them do. The second line profile is self-contained, hence the name hermit.
The thing that’s interesting about second line profiles though, is that they will naturally be called
out (energetically) to share what they know when the time is right and/or they will be called into
Motto: There are no mistakes!
Line 3 profiles have tenacity and grit! They are here to fully experience life. In fact, they MUST
experience everything for themselves as this is how they learn what they’re here to learn.
Third line profiles are often led to believe that they are trying too many things and making too
many mistakes but this is not the case. It is the only way for them to learn their lessons. For the
third line profile, it’s all about discovery and mutation or change.
Motto: My network finds me when I’m living my strategy and authority.
The line 4 is deeply influential in the community. He/she builds community, or a strong network,
often without being aware that this is a gift. The line four moves from foundation to foundation. This is not someone who will quit their job on a whim without a back-up plan (and maybe even a back-up plan to the back-up plan!)
Motto – I find comfort in the discomfort of being the karmic mirror.
The line 5 is all about projection. It is the karmic mirror for all who encounter it. It’s always
moving towards the other. The aura of the 5th line not only invites others to project onto it, it may project solutions onto others whether asked for or not. Often, 5th line profiles are misunderstood (who wants their karma reflected back to them after all?) and can feel isolated, alone, or like a misfit.
Motto – My life is a canvas made up of lessons, integrations, and leadership.
Line 6 profiles go through 3 distinct life phases:
Age 0-30 is really a third line phase. It’s all about experiencing life and experimenting, making
all of the ‘mistakes.’
Age 30-50 is all about integrating the lessons of the early years (we call this on the roof).
Age 50 and up (we call this off the roof) is all about becoming a role model to the collective,
sharing your life’s lessons and your wisdom.
Six line profiles are often seen as aloof, and that’s ok.
You’ll see that your profile is a combination of 2 of the above mentioned numbers.
When you add them together, you get your complete profile.
Take a look at your profile below and notice if it resonates with you or if you’re trying to be something that you’re not. In Human Design, we call this conditioning.
Line 1, in this case, represents the conscious personality or the mind. It may be more apparent to you (if this is your profile) than the 3 which is subconscious and more about the body or what lies below the surface.
You are always seeking answers. Researching and investigating through your Line 1 profile and experiencing and experimenting through your Line 3 profile.
You are adaptable and resilient. You are here to develop strength through mastery by experiencing life to
the fullest! You will always need to get to the bottom of things by researching until you have a solid knowing or foundation to stand on and feel secure.
You are here to live life and discover life for yourself, and then to share what you’ve discovered and experienced with others.
Build your business on the foundation of your research and your life experience. Never shy away from sharing what you’ve learned with your people.
Line 1, in this case, represents the conscious personality or the mind. It may be more apparent to you (if this is your profile) than the 4, which is subconscious and more about the body or what lies below the surface.
A ¼ profile is all about resourcing for the community or network. You have the desire to share your ‘research findings’ with those you know. This profile is what’s known as a harmony profile as both the lines 1 and 4 are foundational lines that seek to build a foundation.
You’ll naturally build foundations in your business and this is correct for you. You’ll build a network of people and your opportunities will come from within your network so nurture it well.
Line 2, in this case, represents the conscious personality or the mind. It may be more apparent to you (if this is your profile) than the 4, which is subconscious and more about the body or what lies below the surface. A 2/4 profile is all about trusting your innate gifts without having to research and study. You just know.
This profile presents a bit of a conundrum as the line 2 wants to be left alone to do its thing and the line 4 is all about building networks and community. The line 4 will subconsciously attract people to the Line 2 so that it can share its gifts. In a nutshell, you are a natural who is here to be called out to share your
gifts and genius.
Are you doing this in your business? It can be especially hard for profile line 2’s to understand what they’re good at because you think that your genius comes naturally to everyone. Not so!! Nurture your genius and share it with your community.
Both of these lines are projected which can make life interesting for the ⅖. While the 2 may be unaware of the projection, the 5th line is aware of them on some level as it’s a great part of fulfilling it’s karmic purpose.
The 5th line can call the 2nd line into greatness. It is the most interpersonal line in the hexagram that stands in natural leadership. 5th lines, remember, are our visionary leaders.
There are times when the 2nd line will naturally need to retreat. If this is your profile, it may provide a conundrum as the 5th line is naturally called out to lead and will find people to mirror karmically in
any group or crowd while the second line will most often prefer being left alone.
Stand in your vision and lead the way if this is your profile. Pay attention to what others say you’re good at and how you naturally use it in your business. Chances are, you don’t even recognize your gifts.
The third line profile lives life through experiences. Everything is done by trial and error. There is no substitute way of learning! Third lines are continually being rubbed by the world and rubbing the world. Ra called this “bumping into it” They may become pessimistic feeling they’ll never get it right.
The 5th line is always being projected upon and many times people, consciously or unconsciously, expect them to rescue or save them. This is uncomfortable because the third line wants no part of this!
As a ⅗ you are here to experience life, learn from your experiences, and share them with others in a way that moves them forward on their path. This is what people will pay you for in your business. Share your life experiences, the lessons you’ve learned, and your vision.
The long and the short of this profile is that trial and error (experimentation with life) can lead to wisdom.
The 6th line profile goes through 3 distinct life phases:
From 0-30 is really a third line phase, all about experiencing life and experimenting, making all of the ‘mistakes’.
From 30-50 is all about integrating the lessons of the early years (we call this on the roof)
From 50 (we call this off the roof) it’s all about becoming a role model to the collective, sharing your life’s lessons and your wisdom.
Therefore, up to age 30, the 3/6 profile is really a 3/3 profile. Making all
of the ‘mistakes’ and learning by experience. This is GOLD for your business!
When the 6 line is on the roof in the second stage, the third line will continue to pull at it to bring it down off the roof to play and experiment. The second stage of the 3/6 profile will be more about experiencing life than integrating lessons, and that’s ok. Talk to your people about how you’re integrating your lessons. Take us on the journey with you. We will learn through your experience of life, if you allow us in.
The 3/6 profile can often feel aloof and a bit like an outsider or can internalize the messages that they are doing everything wrong.
This profile is a bit more unique as both lines are transpersonal. The 4th line develops it’s gifts through it’s networks, increasing it’s influence while the 6th line remains separate and aloof (or tries to). This presents a conundrum in the profile for sure. The 6th line profile will always go through the three life stages. The biggest contribution or impact the 4th line will have here is in the 2nd phase while the 6th line is on the roof, integrating their life’s lessons. This is where the 4th line contributes by offering stability through family, career, finances, opportunities, etc.
Lean into your community. You build connections effortlessly and your community looks to you to help them to experience life fully, to integrate lessons, and they look to you as a role model. This can be uncomfortable for you but please don’t shy away from it.
This is a unique profile. Only about 2% of the population has this. It bridges the gap between personal destiny and transpersonal karma. Your ‘job’ in life, if you have this profile, is to investigate, research, and
learn about whatever it is that lights you up and then to reach out to your network to share it.
The 4/1 profile is stubborn and fixed in its understanding of the facts and how things should be, as both lines are foundational.
It’s important to surround yourself with the right network of people who will love and support you, allowing you to stand solid and appreciating that you don’t waiver. Your community will look to you to be steadfast.
This profile can be very seductive. It’s projected upon to save us all through its investigation and research. Think of a great General. With this profile, people will naturally look to you to lead them and/or to save them. The 5/1 profile has a transpersonal destiny. Whether you’re being asked small questions or big ones, you are here to karmically affect others in your life. To mirror to them what you know and how it can help them. The 1st line in this profile will always drive towards having the correct answer through research and investigation so that when you are presented (or projected on) by the right people, you will serve them well.
Stand for something in your business. Be radical. Show us what’s possible, in your own unique way, and your way will always be unique.
Both lines here provide projection or karmic mirrors which can make life interesting for the 5/2 profile. While the 5th line is more aware of the projections of others, the two line will experience them also.
2nd lines are gifted in such a way that they really have no awareness of their gift(s). They are naturals and will be called out by others when the time is right to share.
5th lines, however, are called out first and then share what they know. This profile will need to hermit away and have alone time to percolate before sharing with others.
You need space with this profile, even in your business. You need alone time in order to bring your genius to fruition and to allow your vision to come forth. You make things look easy but there’s always an edge about you, and that’s ok.
Share your natural genius with your people when the time is right and bring us into your big vision. Allow your freak flag to fly.
In this profile, the 2nd line really just wants to be left alone to do its thing. The 6th line will go through its 3 life phases though, dragging the hermit along.
From 0-30 is really a third line phase, all about experiencing life and experimenting, making all of the ‘mistakes’.
From 30-50 is all about integrating the lessons of the early years (we call this on the roof).
From 50 (we call this off the roof) it’s all about becoming a role model to the collective, sharing your life’s lessons and your wisdom.
The conundrum here is that the 6th line is outwardly focused while the 2nd line is inwardly focused. Remember that 2nd lines have incredible, natural gifts and talents that lie under the surface, just waiting to be called out. You are here to be wise and to stand in that wisdom, modeling it for others and sharing it when the time is right.
You are a leader and your business should reflect this.
This profile will continually be pulled into experiencing life to the fullest and learning by ‘mistakes’ through the 3rd line. No matter what phase the 6th line is in, (the 6th line goes through 3 phases in life) it will be continually pulled by the 3 back into life.
From 0-30 is really a third line phase, all about experiencing life and experimenting, making all of the ‘mistakes’.
From 30-50 is all about integrating the lessons of the early years (we call this on the roof).
From 50 (we call this off the roof) it’s all about becoming a role model to the collective, sharing your life’s lessons and your wisdom. Once the 6/3 profile reaches its final phase, it is said that it will be the best
role model of all due to all of its experience.
So do this in your business! Show up fully as the role model that we need. Take us through your journey of learning through your experience. Show us how the world has knocked you around and how you’ve turned it into something beautiful.
No, your Human Design profile will remain the same throughout your life.
Your profile will be a set of two numbers that is a combination of the lines following the planets
of your conscious sun and earth and your unconscious sun and earth. These are the numbers after the decimal point on the top two numbers on the right side of your chart and then the left side of your chart. It will also be listed near where it says your type and strategy on your Human Design chart.
Your Human Design profile really is how you’re designed to show up in your life. If your life is a movie, your profile is the role you play in that movie.
It’s your path of least resistance and how your energy will best be received by others – especially in business. It’s how we need you to show up!
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In this free guide, I tell the story of someone with your Human Design type so that you can begin to see how your energy is designed to flow in your life and business.