We don’t think of our homes as a toxic environment, but that’s exactly what they can become if we use any of the commercial cleaning and personal care products on the market today.
Since World War 2, over 72,000 synthetic chemicals have been introduced to the market.
Of these, many have NEVER been tested for safe human use due to the fact that they are “grandfathered in.” Insane? I think so. Labelling laws are practically non-existent, in that companies do not have to list specific ingredients in household cleaners. It’s impossible for the average consumer to understand what is even in the bottle that they are purchasing. 
Even many of the so-called “green” products are far from green. Many use palm oil, which is destroying the landscape and environment of the rainforest, along with the livelihoods of the farmers who have always grown it. Another problem with “green” cleaners is that they are, many times, made by mainstream companies, using another name. A quick google search will tell you that the ever-popular Greenworks brand is owned by Clorox.
This is a problem. It’s the almighty dollar at work, plain and simple. Do you really think that Clorox is making anything green? I don’t. Not for a second. In fact, when I purchased one of the mass-produced “green” products at my grocery store, to clean my brand new tub, it removed the coating from the tub!!!! I now have to scrub my tub every single day as it has no protective layer on it. Something tells me that a truly green product would not have done that.
So…. what’s a family to do? And how do you know if these products are creating a problem now or if they will in the future?
A good rule of thumb is to purchase only plant-based products and to make your own cleaners. Cleaners can be made for pennies a bottle and they really are effective. Promise. Use things like vinegar, baking soda, borax, castile soap, and essential oils. Once you tackle the cleaning products, you can then move to your bathroom cabinet to see what can be done there. Haircare products, make-up, and skincare also contain many harmful ingredients that are absorbed by the skin. Carcinogens (cancer-causing compounds) are ABUNDANT in the products that we use each and every day.
Not only can cleaning and personal care products contribute to serious diseases, they also contribute to breathing difficulties such as asthma, allergies, brain fog, headaches, and many other things that we chalk up to everyday issues. Once you begin to make the switch to a more natural way of doing things, you’ll be amazed at the issues that simply disappear.
You may not think that you have any issues with toxic products.
Perhaps they don’t bother you (so you think) or you are afraid that you won’t get the same clean with something natural. Trust me, they do, and you will. Here’s what happens; over time, we breathe in all of these chemicals, day after day. We put them on our skin, we have scented candles and air fresheners all over, and we don’t notice what it’s doing to us. These products are slowly destroying your immune system. Many are neurotoxins that affect brain health, some alter the endocrine system, and some even attack the reproductive system. These are not harmless products! They are doing damage to our systems, even if we don’t understand until we’ve overloaded our “barrel” and are suffering from annoyances or even serious diseases.
Many times, when working with clients nutritionally, it’s surprising to them that removing toxins from the home can accelerate the time that it takes to repair their systems. They start breathing better, sleeping better, and suffering less fatigue and headaches. Nutrition certainly plays a part but so does removing things that are aggravating an already overwhelmed system.
The average home has anywhere from 18-34 cleaning-type products in it.
Middle-income families spend a minimum of 854.00/ year on cleaning supplies (including laundry detergent, dish soap, etc). How much could you save by tackling just one cupboard and switching over to safe, affordable solutions? How much health could be gained by your family members? There’s only one way to find out!
If you’re ready to take the plunge, take a peek at this documentary called Chemerical on FMTV.
While researching for this article, I found this handy chart as well. It’s a real eye-opener.
Finally, join me for one of my Essential Oils Classes on replacing products in the home. You will find information on Essential Matters with Vickie Dickson, RHN
Here are some recipes to get you started:
Glass Spray Cleaner
16 oz. glass Spray Bottle
1 1/2 cup white vinegar
1/2 cup distilled water
8 drops of any citrus oil of your choice (could use Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Wild Orange, or a combination)
DIY Wood polish
8 oz. glass spray bottle
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup vinegar
10 drops dōTERRA essential oils (try Wild Orange, Arborvitae, or Lemon)
All purpose Cleaner
8 oz glass spray bottle
1 cup water
1 tbsp. liquid castile soap
10 drops tea tree essential oil
10 drops On Guard essential oil
In a later post, I’ll share the skincare recipe that has replaced my paraben laden moisturizer of old. Made with Frankincense and Myrrh essential oils, it’s the richest cream I’ve ever used – and it’s chemical free! Stay tuned……