With guest Sarah Mertzlufft – 6/2 Emotional Manifesting Generator
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Interview highlights from an interview with Sarah Mertzlufft about how she’s using her Human Design to master content creation and content marketing. Learn how aligning your content strategy with your authentic voice magnetizes the right clients to you so that you can grow your business with ease and fun!
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Today, I have Sarah Mertzlufft in the room with me. Sarah is many, many things. She is a business owner, a 2/4 Emotional Manifesting Gnerator, and right now, she is focused on building her new business that is all about microdosing.
Sarah is a former student of Content by Design, the course that shows you how to leverage your Human Design so that you easily create content that draws your ideal clients to you so that you make more money without burning out trying to beat the algorithm.
Here we’re talking about being a Manifesting Generator and the judgement we often face, microdosing and how it’s enhanced her creativity, and what she learned in Content by Design that’s helped her the most.
Vickie Dickson: Sarah and I had kind of a Manifesting Generator morning, the day of this interview. Confession time. If you’re a Manifesting Generator and you’re listening in here, you probably have experienced things like this before. You know, I was messaging Sarah and saying, can you give me two extra minutes? And she’s like, yep, give me five. Because my daughter’s up now. And then somebody couldn’t find the Zoom link. And it just goes on and on. That is often the experience of Manifesting Generators because we are moving quickly. Our spiritual purpose in life is to find the fastest way to do things and to speed up linear time. Do you feel like you do that, Sarah?
Sarah Mertzlufft: Oh, my gosh, yes. It’s a constant battle of going too fast and breaking things, right?
Vickie Dickson: All the time.
So you’ve had kind of a winding path in your career, which is typical of any Manifesting Generator.
Can you walk us through the last ten years in your career?
What have you done?
Sarah Mertzlufft: Oh, my gosh, yes. The last ten years, I started in technical stuff in banking and changed paths in that many times, which I didn’t even realize until this moment that, oh, yeah, that’s exactly what I was supposed to be doing, finding different places, what I was passionate about.
Then we went through a little bit of infertility, and we had our daughter. I knew that I couldn’t go back to the corporate world, so I decided that coaching was right for me. It has been a winding path through fertility coaching, anchor coaching, intuition coaching, web design. And now I’m landing in the microdosing space, which has held my attention for a couple of months now. I mean, I’ve done microdosing for years, so I love it, and I’m excited that now there’s other people interested in it, and it’s starting to become a business for me.
Vickie Dickson: Some people might hear you say a couple of months and think, really? I feel like we get that a lot, right? We almost don’t want to admit that we’re trying something else. Do you have that?
Sarah Mertzlufft: YES! As a Manifesting Generator, that’s what we’re supposed to do, right? You taught me that. We’re supposed to be bouncing around. And I’m so grateful for finding you and this work in Content by Design, because it’s just like, oh, yeah, this is what I’m supposed to be doing. When I’m passionate about something, my passion comes through. And if I’m not passionate, people can tell. So for all the Manifesting Generators out there, stand in that power because it is our power.
Vickie Dickson: It’s a superpower, really. That’s the way we magnetize the people, places, and experiences to us that we’re meant to have, but we’re so conditioned to think that it’s something wrong with us.
And you also have that 6th line profile, right? For the first 30 years of your life, you were really playing in trial and error, getting things wrong, trying too many things, doing it all at once. Anyone with a 3rd line profile or even a 6 line profile and a Mani-Gen, it’s like, oh, my gosh, you’ve got it coming at you from all angles, all of this conditioning all the time.
Sarah Mertzlufft: Yeah. My parents are boomers and love them, but they’re like, why are you always changing? Why can’t you stick to one thing? Just sit down and be quiet. And I cannot!
Vickie Dickson: It’s not how you’re built.
Sarah Mertzlufft: Yeah. And it’s so nice to know that I’m supposed to be this way, and that’s okay.
Vickie Dickson: There’s freedom in it. When we first crossed paths, it was because you were a guest on someone else’s podcast. I heard you, and I was drawn to you immediately. We’ve gone through a few of your coaching iterations together because I’ve used some of your services, and we’ve worked together a little bit back and forth. It’s been magical to work with other Mani-Gens because I feel like there’s a pace that we can keep that others often can’t keep up with.
Sarah Mertzlufft: Yes. And we can be a lot. I get that. I learned about my emotional wave as a part of this. And that’s another big thing that’s been so helpful to learn about. When I’m in my low of my emotional wave, I think everything sucks, and I want to quit everything. I’m like, I’m not supposed to be doing this. But just learning to ride that out as a part of who I am and who I’m designed to be has been
so helpful. Otherwise I’d be quitting things too soon all over the place!
Vickie Dickson: How are you finding the microdosing with your emotional wave?
You must play in those together?
Sarah Mertzlufft: I do. I’m such a data person. Collecting all of the data and looking at what it was like with or without microdosing is powerful.
I have found that I’m a lot more self-accepting. That’s one of the things that microdosing has helped me with immensely. I understand that things are happening, and I had an adverse reaction, or I didn’t handle that how I should, and that’s all right. I can still love myself through that.
Vickie Dickson: There’s a myth about Manifesting Generators that we’re scattered. Sometimes I feel like I appear as though I’m scattered, even though I’ve got all my stuff together in the background. Do you find that the microdosing helps you to bring in that chaotic bit of yourself?
Sarah Mertzlufft: No. But I also haven’t worked on it. You’re so right though. I’ve never really thought about how chaotic I can seem. My husband’s a Manifesting Generator, too. We moved recently, and he was cleaning out the garage. He’s like, I need your help. And so I go out, and there’s boxes of my stuff just in the middle of the garage. And I was like, oh, my gosh. Chaos. It’s okay. I’ll go put all this up in my office. My office is in disarray. It’s in chaos. But my stuff’s together. Yeah, the space is a mess, but I can still move through and work through my stuff. I’ve worked a lot on my mindset with chaos and being okay with it. Chaos can be beautiful, especially when you can find your centre and say, all this stuff is happening around me, and I can love myself through this.
Vickie Dickson: Beautiful. What drew you to take the Content by Design course? What did you know about your business that needed that kind of program?
Sarah Mertzlufft: As a Manifesting Generator, I was switching again. I was moving into microdosing. Microdosing felt so different for me in terms of it was more of a pull than me pushing to create something. I’ve loved your stuff ever since we connected.
I was feeling so burnt out on social media and had actually quit social media for months. I felt like I could go into Content by Design and learn whatever I needed to learn about myself so I could build this part of my business. And I knew I was going to learn so much more about myself. I’ve come to market in a way that I now know where I sell from, where I deliver from. Those things are just so invaluable.
Vickie Dickson: In Content by Design, we work through many pieces of your design. I don’t believe any of us can say, well, you’re a Manifesting Generator, so… or you’re a 6 line profile, so… There are so many nuances. I feel like in Content by Design, we really get a chance to look at all of that.
We’re looking at your Mercury, your Mars, your core wounding, your profile, who you’re here to be in life, your overall purpose, who you speak to, how you speak. It gives you a robust way to look at any platform and understand how to craft a message for it. It doesn’t matter what platform you’re on. You’re speaking from who you are all the time. That’s the goal.
Often we get lost in thinking, well, this influencer is teaching me to do it this way, so I better do that. This influencer says I should do it this way, so maybe I’ll do that. We get so scattered all over the place that we don’t know which end is up in our message. It’s so important to have a clear message.
Sarah Mertzlufft: Yes. And I just think, too, learning about the gates, it’s just this study of self-development. I’m so obsessed with learning about myself and self-improvement. How you do one thing is how you do everything. As I’m getting to know myself deeply, I’m getting to learn my business more. Human Design helps so much with that because it has so much to teach you, and so does your business. Interweaving the two is so powerful.
Vickie Dickson: Add the microdosing…
Sarah Mertzlufft: Then you want to go on a really wild journey.
Vickie Dickson: What is your creative process like? You’re showing up a lot on Instagram now, and you’ve created a guide. You pulled together that microdosing 101 guide, and it was magical. What does the creation process look like for you now?
Sarah Mertzlufft: I have to be in a place where I do what lights me up in the moment. I have a corporate job, too, and I cannot sit there and do that corporate job for 8 hours a day and then expect to go create microdosing 101 guides. I have to do what lights me up in the moment. It was all about that fire inside me. It was like, create the microdosing 101 guide. And then living in that moment. Microdosing helps a lot with that, getting into this creative flow and giving myself permission to do that.
Vickie Dickson: You have a lot of pressure in your design. You have an undefined root and an undefined head, which are the pressure centers. There’s all this mental pressure and adrenalized pressure. It constantly puts pressure on your entire design, where you can quickly fall into that loop of “I have to get this done, and then I can rest.” I imagine the microdosing helps to calm that pressure so you can access your creativity more.
Sarah Mertzlufft: Oh, amen. Yeah, it really does. I’m such an overthinker. I think our first session, you were like, oh, yeah, I bet you think all the time, but you’re not designed to. Microdosing helps to calm and quiet, helps me get into my body. Creativity doesn’t come from your brain. It’s more of a body, interweaving spirit coming through type situation. Microdosing helps to get all that information in and support my life.
Vickie Dickson: One of the biggest questions I get is how to create in response. You nailed it. The energy was there for it. You can feel it in your body. The key is to access your creativity in that moment when you can as a Generator or Manifesting Generator because you’re here to live in response. That’s when you’ll be the most magnetic, drawing people to you.
Sometimes people don’t grasp how that looks in real life. They’re like, oh, yeah, but… That’s when we condition ourselves. You could have easily gone to create that microdosing 101 guide and thought, what’s so-and-so from high school gonna think? Or, oh, my God, my mother sees my page, what’s she gonna think? Or someone from your corporate job. We have to be fearless as Generator types to go where the Universe is calling us to go.
Sarah Mertzlufft: Yeah, and the Universe is not calling you to show up half-assed. The Universe wants you to be fearless. When we can be fearless, that’s when the magic happens. For example, I created a 30-day content plan. I was like, I’m going to post every day. It’s going to be so great. Then I go back and look, and I’m not in response anymore. I’m like, oh, well, that sounds kind of… But I really want to get this Instagram post out, and people can tell. The energy is not there. Every post where I’m creating in response has all the likes, comments, shares. The stuff where I just was like, oh, I really gotta post something on Instagram, it’s not. It’s like three likes. I do believe that the stuff you create is gonna hit the people it’s meant to hit. Even if I create something half-assed, it’s still helpful. It’s helpful for me to get in the flow. But I definitely think creating in response is the way to do it, fearlessly creating in response.
Vickie Dickson: One of the ways I always suggest working with the energy when it’s on is to free yourself by having a social media scheduler. When you’re in response, your creativity will flow. You can crank out 10-20 posts. Sometimes people stop themselves because they’re like, well, I don’t know what to do with all this. Or they put it in a Google Doc and never go back to it. Get a social media scheduler.
I love SmarterQueue. You could use any social media scheduler and get it in there so you always have this shell or skeleton to fall back on. You and I, Sarah, both have 2nd lines in our Human Design profile. I’m a conscious 2nd line profile, a 2/4, and you’re a 6/2. That 2 line needs time to hermit away.
There are times when we just cannot be where the people are. Do you find that you have to give yourself that space from it sometimes, even when you love social media?
Sarah Mertzlufft: Yeah, I need to do that. If I post from my hermit spot, it sucks. Once I learned about it, I was like, oh, my gosh, it’s so true. Giving myself the permission to go and be a hermit has been so great. I love the idea of a social media scheduler and cranking out social media posts as I flow so that energy is already behind it. Then when I go back again when I’m in response, that energy is building.
Vickie Dickson: You recently used a Q&A day on your Instagram. You got a lot of responses. How did that work?
Sarah Mertzlufft: It was fun and there was a lot of pressure (because of my Human Design) to get all of them answered. But it was more about, no, I have to do this when I’m in response because I want the energy to be there.
When we can show up for ourselves, we can be proud of what we’re doing. When Manifesting Generators and Generators can be in response, we’re magical. We create things we’re proud of.
Vickie Dickson: As a Generator or Manifesting Generator reading, if you’re having a hard time finding things to respond to (that’s a story for another post) ask your audience. Ask them what they want to know. Sometimes I do, “Hit me with questions about your Human Design or your business,” and it gives you a starting point. It turns on the response magic in you like nothing else will. If we go back to Content by Design, the course where we learn how to create content based specifically on your Human Design, (personalized to you, of course) what was something that surprised you that you learned about how you’re here to communicate or what you’re here to communicate?
Sarah Mertzlufft: So many things. The gates were super interesting. I had no idea. There’s so much information when you first learn about Human Design. I was able to look through my gates and understand what each of them meant. I have so many defined gates in my throat, and I have a defined throat. I’m always going to have something to say and be able to say it. That was such a powerful thing for me to learn because I am conditioned to sit down and shut up sometimes. It’s okay for me to be too much. Now I’m in my “hell yeah, I’m too much” era.
Vickie Dickson: Sarah, I’ve loved having you heret today and I loved having you in the Content by Design course. You’re happier than I’ve ever seen you. Living your Human Design and microdosing like a boss looks good on you!
Sarah Mertzlufft: Thank you. I appreciate that. Another thing I learned in the Content by Design course, there are other women in there. There was a woman in there who was just starting in her last phase in her 50s. It was so cool because I got to connect with other 6 lines and you did a lot of teaching around what makes us tick in content creation and in life. Anyone who’s really serious about showing up authentically in their business without feeling like they have to be on social media all day needs to take the Content by Design course. It’s about so much more than content. It’s about stepping into your power and doing what you came here to do with confidence and ease.
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