A completely personalized book all about YOU and your human design.

Your Human Design


50+ pages about your unique human design.

Made to order - no two human designs are alike, so every Manuscripts is completely unique!

Delivered in 7 days (or less) - your Manuscript is a downloadable PDF, and will arrive in your inbox within 7 days.

Yours for $97

50+ pages about your human design:

What's inside:

Not-Self Theme

Incarnation Cross
Spiritual Purpose

A message from Vickie:

Discovering your Human Design means nothing.


Every time I scroll through Instagram, I see post after post saying things like:

▶️ Generators keep working and working and working!
▶️ Projectors don’t work! Sleep instead.
▶️ Manifesting Generators - Do it all! The more the better!
▶️ Manifestors Nobody likes you so do what you want anyway!
▶️ Reflectors are magical unicorns that nobody understands but we all should aspire to be!

Yes. You could cling to these notions about your Human Design type.
You could arrange your entire life and business to fit your type.
I see people doing this every day.

But they’re missing the magic.

And I don’t want that for you.

What I’d love for you to see is that the secret to using your Human Design is to actually USE your Human Design - all of it.

If you’re ready to go beyond type and begin to step into what this Human Design lingo all means TO YOU in your life, you’re going to want to order your very own Manuscript to get you started.

What your Manuscript is not:
❌overly technical
❌filled with language you can’t understand
❌generalized to all Human Design types

What your Manuscript is:
✅written in everyday language
✅easy to understand and implement what you’re learning about yourself
✅personalized to your own Human Design

Inside your Manuscript you’ll begin to unpack:

Your Human Design Type - which tells you how you’ll go through life in an aligned way so that you don’t always feel like there’s something wrong with you.

Your Strategy - which tells you how you actually BE in relationship with the world around you.
How do you start what you’re here to do?

Your Authority - This is your decision making super power. Use it to make decisions that are aligned for you so that you no longer live with crippling regret and getting into things that you can’t get yourself out of, even when they’re burning you out.

Your Profile - This is a big one that is oftentimes missed in the Human Design world. Your profile shows you who you are - the role you play - in the movie of your life. It’s a big deal!

And the rest of your unique design - in your own personalized manuscript.

Of course you can learn all of this on your own.

If you have scads of time and nothing else to do, you can buy some Human Design books and keep googling your heart out and find what you need there.

You’ll spend hours sifting through things to see what actually applies to your own design, getting more confused as you go along.

Or… you can order your Manuscript and begin to actually LIVE your Human Design so that you start to experience the life changing benefits it offers.

🪄 no longer feeling like there’s something wrong with you
🪄 understanding how to show up in your relationships so that you get what you need
🪄 arranging your business in a way that works with your energy instead of against it

It all starts with understanding and actually living into what the foundational pieces of your own Human Design mean to your life.

You don’t have to learn Human Design.

You get to LIVE your own Human Design.

It starts here.

Your Manuscript will save you hours of time going down the rabbit hole only to become more and more confused with this new way of looking at things.

When you’re ready for more, you’ll find someone you trust to look at the nuances of your design in a reading. For now, this will get you started in an intentional way that you’ll actually use in your life.

I promise.

🩵 Vickie D

Your Human Design


50+pages about your unique human design.

Made to order - no two human designs are alike, so every Manuscripts is completely unique!

Delivered in 7 days (or less) - your Manuscript is a downloadable PDF, and will arrive in your inbox within 7 days.
