Discover Your Crystal Ball in this FREE Workshop Replay

What's In A Number?

I'm sure that many of us, looking back on January 2020, would have loved to have had a heads up about the year that was to come. While we were taken off guard with the happenings of 2020, it wasn't disastrous for everyone. On a personal level (please don't hate me) part of me loved the 'sacred pause' of it all.

As much as I hated what was going on and I loathed the division it was causing, I had a crystal ball to use in my own life that helped see me through.

What, you ask, was this crystal ball? It was my numerology for the year. I know, I know. It's woo-woo. The family and the religion I was raised in would say that it's evil, but it's just numbers - the oldest form of communication on record. 2020 was a personal year of learning, development, solitude, and doing deep inner work. I knew that it would be that year, because I knew that my personal year was a 7. It made a lot of what happened in 2020 not sting as much for me because I was able to keep basking in my solitude (you say isolation, I say solitude ) and keep going inside where I needed to be. It set me up for what I need to do in 2021.

If this is curious to you, I have an invitation that is really too good to refuse.

My numerology 'guru' and great friend, Terry Ann Hare, teamed up with me to offer a FREE workshop where you'll discover how numerology came to be, why it's important (and fun) to use, AND uncover your personal number for 2021.

Imagine how life would/could be different if you could focus on what you need to do and who you need to be for your own journey? Imagine having a deep knowing that you're in the right place, doing the right thing at all times? Imagine having a compass to come back to over and over again in the year ahead?

But wait! There's more! What if you also knew which essential oils could be used to support your brain and your mood as you step into this discovery of yourself? Wouldn't that be cool? I'll be teaching this part of the workshop and have downloads ready for you after the event that walk you through oils and blends to use to support your own personal year.

I mentioned it's a FREE workshop, right?

The live version took place January 9th but you can still catch the replay!

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