Turn Your Free Content into Paying Customers

Turn your content into cash!

Leveraging your Human Design is the best way to create exactly the content that your ideal client needs to hear in order for them to actually hire you.

👉🏼 Ditch the frameworks and formulas once
and for all. 

→ Exactly who you serve and what they need to hear from you in order to buy.

→ Why your leveraging your Human Design is the best way to craft a crystal clear message so that you get hired by your perfect fit clients regularly.

→ How to create content in a flow state no matter how crowded your industry is, how new you are in business, or how many influencers are sharing the space. 

💫  BONUS - Attend LIVE for your chance to have a piece of content audited in real time.

Each session I’ll choose 1-2 people randomly to share a piece of content to rework so that it is magnetic for your ideal clients. 

In this LIVE 3 Part Training Series expect to uncover:

3 Part LIVE Masterclass Series 
September 26 - October 1 & 3

- Michelle F.

“I want to thank you for all of your guidance, systems, and awareness especially around what I charge and how I overextend by giving away all of my time and energy for free. Having you coach me on why that is and how I want to be charging has made a huge difference.

Today is my first coaching call with a new client. The $6000.00 3 month package was a no brainer for both of us and felt amazing to watch the excitement on my clients face to have an opportunity to be coached by me.”

- Sarah Mertzlufft

"I got my first paying client as a result of going through Content by Design. 

I learned how to speak about my business in a way that works for both me and my clients, and I am attracting soul aligned people who don't even want to sign up for my email list. They just want to hire me. 
So it has been amazing!"

- Stacey Estrella

"I had just done a brand pivot when I joined Content by Design.  As a result of this course, the measurable results are that I am so much more confident on social media than I ever was before. I actually enjoy it. 😲 My copy is a lot tighter and focused. 

The main thing for me was being able to be super, super confident about what I'm writing and who I'm writing it for, and that I'm writing it in a way that's going to engage my audience. "

- Meg Dolan

"VICKIE !!! I just had another person message me who wants to be on my wait list!!!  What is happening? Thank you, Universe. More please.
I am open to receiving 10 people on this wait list. Oh my goodness, thank you, thank you, thank you. I wouldn't be here without your support and without the Content by Design course.

I'm grateful for you and the way that you teach. It really lands. I've worked with a bunch of Human Design people before, and something about yours is so different. It's really easy to understand and easy to follow. And I feel it in my body when you're talking about it, I'm like, “Yeah, that's right.”"

- Keli Ramsey

"I’ve taken so many classes trying to get clear on my message. After taking CBD, I finally feel more confident on crafting an appealing email, post and offer. I know what my message is, how best to communicate it and how it is unique to me.

Plus, I’m seeing the results from the positive feedback I’m receiving from my clients!"

- Andrea Slate

"It blows my mind how often I call on what I got to learn, and to practice, within the Content by Design course. As a writer and a small business owner, I thought I would be using this to write more content on my social media.

However, I have been applying it to EVERYTHING that I write. Content. Emails. Messages. Proposals. In fact, after re-working my proposal (using what I learned in the Content by Design course) I have signed EVERY single client I have sent a proposal too AND I have filled my books and now have a waitlist to work with me. That is the sheer power of committing to this container and Vickie’s teachings!"

Here’s what business owners, just like you are saying:

Join us September 26 - OCtober 1 & 3

Turn your Content into cash here!

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© 2022 Vickie Dickson